Fraunhofer ISC in the Research Area Technical Textiles

Fraunhofer ISC - Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL in Bayreuth

The Fraunhofer-Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL operates the application center Textile Fiber Ceramics TFK in Münchberg. The application center TFK transfers textile processing techniques from conventional fibers to ceramic, carbon and glass fibers. It produces textile semi-finished products and end products. Thus Fraunhofer-Center HTL projects and services for the development of ceramic fiber composites over all process stages, starting from the fiber to the finished CMC component are possible.


  •  Development of ceramic fibers
  • Textile processing of ceramic and other inorganic fibers
  • Yarn production
  • Coating and finishing of rovings and yarn
  • Weaving, knitting, braiding and nonwoven production
  • Infiltration
  • Fiber, semi-finished and composite analysis
  • High-temperature processes

Fraunhofer ISC in Wuerzburg

The Fraunhofer ISC successfully works on behalf of industry on material-based solutions to a wide variety of problems in production and development. From defect analysis to new material and processing approaches: With its Center Smart Materials CeSMa, the Center for Applied Analytics ZAA and with its functional coating solutions, the Fraunhofer ISC supports the development or improvement of products and processes in the textile industry.


  • Development of silicone-based pressure and strain sensors, electrodes (e.g. for deriving body signals, for electrical stimulation or as stretchable heating surfaces) and processes for textile integration
  • Tests to investigate the properties of textile fibers (e.g. tensile/compressive strength, behavior at high and low temperatures)
  • Analysis of the chemical composition, surface chemistry, microstructure, general structure of fibers and their coatings
  • Ion beam-based preparation of fibers and fabrics for high-resolution characterizations
  • Optical in-situ investigation of fibers/fabrics and their wetting behavior under the influence of climatic changes